
I will never forget the first time I held you in my arms

  A Father’s Birthday Wish to His Daughter I will never forget the first time I held you in my arms, crying tears of joy such that I have never had, before or since. There is never a moment going by that you are not in my thoughts. Your photos are always around me at home and I see you no matter what I am doing. I am always here for you on any day, every day, all days, your birthday most especially. Happy birthday, I love you very much. -           Your Dad

On Father's Day 2020

Sweetie Pie: It’s ironic that as you were approaching adolescence, I would frequently say to my friends “The point is coming when I might wish to be put to sleep until I can have a grownup, adult conversation with her.” This is an object lesson about being careful what you wish for – and that’s my topic for Father’s Day 2020. For a good part of my life, I have gotten precisely what I wished for – most especially you. The problem seems always to have appeared, where I wished for the wrong things. One’s force of will can produce overwhelming effect and much of the time, within human limits, people can get exactly what they want. This can be either good or bad. It takes wisdom gained only by experience to figure out the difference. Among the long list of things so extremely difficult about having no contact with you, has been being unable to share my life lessons with you. I have made every mistake you will probably ever dream about making – and suffered for them. These expe